Kindergarten Registration 2024

Kindergarten Countdown is On – Register Your Child in Pocono Region Districts Today!

Exciting news for Pocono families! Kindergarten registration season is officially open across all school districts served by Pocono Services for Families and Children (PSFC)! Whether your child is eager to start making new friends, exploring new knowledge, or simply taking the next step in their educational journey, this is the moment to get them enrolled.

Important Note: The deadline to register for Kindergarten in all Pocono region districts is on or before September 1, 2024. Don’t delay, as registration deadlines might vary, so act now to secure your little one’s spot in the upcoming school year.

Click below to find your district’s registration information and download their official PDF flyer, packed with all the details you need to ensure a smooth and successful transition for your child.

Remember, PSFC is here to support you every step of the way. If you have questions or need assistance navigating the registration process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (570) 421-2711.

Let’s welcome our future Pocono scholars with open arms!